Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion

Hyrwyddo iaith, llenyddiaeth, celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth Cymru

Y Trafodion

cartref > Transactions > Volume 29 - 2023 > ON BECOMING A WELSH LANDOWNER


I want to focus on some contentious aspects of Welsh history, and how understandings of past events continue to resonate in the present – perhaps even with implications for Wales’s future. My particular lense is a personal one: the experience over the past two decades of becoming a Welsh landowner. I want to reflect on some distinctive historiographical and even political discomforts encountered in the course of that process. In the year 2000, I inherited the rump of an old – indeed an ancient – family estate, in the north of Anglesey on the edge of Llanfechell. It had come down through the line of my father’s mother, whose family had always been rooted on the island.


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