Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion

Hyrwyddo iaith, llenyddiaeth, celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth Cymru

Y Trafodion

cartref > Transactions > Volume 26 - 2020 > ON A TUDOR WELSH LAWYER AND THE FUTURE OF BRITAIN


Let me start in a topical vein. The country’s present travails over the Covid pandemic and Brexit have been prompting commentary about the possibility the UK may be approaching fragmentation. The Scots are sniffing independence. The Irish could be moving towards union across their island. And once again there’s serious discussion – most strikingly, in Plaid Cymru’s recent report – of the possibility that Wales too might choose to go its own way at some point.
It’s against this background that I’d like to focus briefly on a sixteenth-century lawyer from Anglesey, and why his story has particular relevance for Wales today. The individual in question is not well known. His name was Hugh Hughes, and he lived during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I. He was born in 1547, and then lived most of his life in Anglesey, and London, where he died in 1609.


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