Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion

Hyrwyddo iaith, llenyddiaeth, celfyddydau a gwyddoniaeth Cymru

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cartref > Cymmrodorion Medal, award ceremony for Dame Siân Phillips

Cymmrodorion Medal, award ceremony for Dame Siân Phillips

February 7, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Dame Elan Closs Stephens, Vice President of the Cymmrodorion, will give a tribute to Dame Siân Phillips’ life and work, and the Medal will be presented by Sir Deian Hopkin, President of the Cymmrodorion.

To order a ticket please click here.

London Welsh Centre, 157-163 Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8UE